Sotheybys had their breath taking auction for Magnificent Jewels in Geneva on November 11th. The results are staggering! This auction is even more noteworthy for the simple fact there are not one, but actually two Royal stones that wereup for sale at this auction. The obvious one The Archduke Joseph Diamond was originally owned by the Archduke Joseph August of Austria (1872-1962), a prince of the Hungarian line of the Hapsburgs. This fabulous diamond is known for being the largest colorless diamond that was sold for 21.5 million dollars. This stone had been in the possesion of Black, Starr and Frost from Phoenix, that is owned by Alfred Molina. His personal collection of colored gems and diamonds is note worthy. The exciting thing about this auction and more importantly about the buyer ( there were actually two anonymous buyers that were bidding for the stone via phone) is that after he/she won the diamond they stated that they are going to donate the diamond to a museum, possibly the Smithsonian? Only seems fitting. And thrilling to be able to see another historic diamond in person.
A few of the larger colored diamonds didnt find a buyer. How is this possible when they are so incredible? One of the stones that didn't find a new home is an unmounted recatngular fancy vivid yellow diamond weighing a massive 70.19cts is one of them. This stone doesn't have a name, but the color and cut are truly spectacular! I'll take two please~
Not all the royal jewels were sold at the auction. Two that went under the hammer but their price wasn't realized. These two stones are unamed (hopefully they'll be named after they find an owner)
Not only did this auction set a few records for the highest prices paid for stones per carat, but it just goes to show that there is an appreciation for larger gemstones and that the need is still high. Even though there still much unrest in certain parts of Europe.
From what I had seen of the auction live streaming (the best ever!) it seemed as if the auction went into two different directions. Some of the more extraordinary pieces that were signed by famous jewelry houses and were typically over 100 years old, sold for less than what you'd imagine. while some of the larger gemstone rings surpassed the estimated by 3xs!
Here's a few of the other noteworthy items that were up for auction.
Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain's Cartier Conch Pearl and Diamond Bracelet
The Queen wearing the famous bracelet
Queen Victoria Eugenie was the youngest daughter of Queen Victoria and was born at Balmoral Castle in 1887. She is also the grandmother of Juan Carlos, King of Spain. When she passed away in 1969 she left behind a legendary collection of jewels. This was one of the last items to be auctioned and one of the most important of the 600 items. The title on this piece was from a "lady of title" and was offered by an unnamed member of the Spanish Royal family. This bracelet sold for two times the estimated price, fetching a staggering 3.4 million dollars.
Matching 11ct each Burmese Ruby and Diamond pendant ear clips once owned by Princess Max Egon zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg of Germany
These incredible earrings garnered 3.5 million dollars. It seems that when there is a story even one of royalty the prices and people eagerly bidding on these items. Interestingly enough of the almost 600 items, 70 of them are from Royal families and descendants. Which families where some of the other items of jewelry came from might come out more later in the news.
Another record breaker at this auction was for the stunning 10.48ct Blue Diamond briollette that sold for *gasp 10.86 million dollars. Purchased by the famous Laurence Graff of Graff Diamonds, he is also known as the "King of Diamonds". Graff is planning on recutting the stone to reveal a more intense blue to about 7 cts.
Seems like sapphire and Emeralds were the best sellers with high prices. Another showstopper that was sold was a gorgeous 39.00 cts Ceylon Blue sapphire, that is not heat treated and natural. That ring sold for 2.9 million dollars!
Until then, get ready for Black Friday! What's on YOUR wish list??